Weight Loss – Virtual Gastric Band

Weight Loss Virtual Gastric Band

Based on a clinical trial where 95% of Participants lost weight. The Virtual Gastric Band is a personalised program in which you change the way you relate to food to something far more positive.

The Virtual Gastric band is a non-surgical procedure where using the power of the subconscious through hypnosis, to convince the mind that it is full after eating the appropriate amount of food.

This is Not a Diet , this procedure allows you to eat what you want while being satisfied with smaller portions of food during the day.

This is your long-term solution to your weight loss challenge.

Let's Discuss!

I am delighted to have lost 18lb in the six weeks since our first consultation. The four sessions, complete with the virtual gastric band CDs, has given me the belief that I will continue to loose weight over the next few months to reach my goals of not being overweight and getting fit to enjoy my hobbies in the coming years.

AB (Kinross)

Before I progressed through the Virtual Gastric Band program with Rob , I was the biggest I’ve ever been. I was unhappy and not confident at all within myself.

At my first session with Rob , i was made to feel very comfortable and enjoyed the session . Fast forward 4 months later ( 2 months after finishing the program ) and i have dropped 7kg . The process felt easy and natural and was not a struggle like previous programs i have tried .

Id like to thank Rob for helping me overcome this issue that had been impacting my life for the last 12 yrs . I would highly recommend Rob’s service for anyone ready to loss weight.

Graham 38

I’ve always been a bit on the larger side, and I’ve tried many calorie-controlled diets over the years however I always struggled . After a frightening doctor’s appointment it was made in no uncertain terms that i had to loss weight or risk getting diabetes or worse. .

A friend of a relative suggested Rob as they had been through the program and lost 8kg

I signed up for the program and it ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I’m now 12kg lighter than I was when I first met Rob 5 months earlier and I feel absolutely amazing . friend and family are noticing my weight loss and complementing me on it .

If you’re wanting to lose weight, I’d strongly recommend giving this ago. You won’t regret it!!

Michelle 42