
Giving credit where it’s due, Thank you Robert for helping me to achieve this goal on losing weight. It was such a wonderful experience which allowed me to make changes in my life.
I would find myself eating the right food, staying hydrated with plenty of water and walking every day. I”m already losing weight and have a new mind set.
Living the best life


Working with Rob has been absolutely life changing and transformative for me and has allowed me to cope with high stress situations while being able to go back to enjoying life and study. My sleep due to hypnosis is now the best it has been in many years. My anxiety and stress levels have dropped significantly, and I no longer over think about stressful situations, allowing me to enjoy and focus on life. Working with Rob to address these issues has been fantastic and I highly recommend him to anyone considering hypnosis.


When I first started the sessions with Rob I was at the point of complete exhaustion. Trying to continue a business while working a full time job in healthcare. I can’t even begin to tell you how bad things were for me … well, in my head that is. I chose the 10 session plan with Rob As I had a lot of clearing out to do – old energy and trauma which kept pulling me down in life. I felt like I could never really “keep my head above water”, so to speak for too long in life… and I’m 48 years old! I don’t know how I survived for this long lol each session that passed I found myself leaving Robs office with more tools in my kit, assisting me with everyday life challenges. The “lighter” I started to feel “with less baggage” the easier it was becoming to cope every day In the work place, at home, in the gym, alone with my thoughts My thoughts have become my friend and I create my own reality now. Which is something I struggled with to the point of complete and pure exhaustion before working with Rob I have always been a believer in self healing and nurturing. I’ve spent so much money on things to help fix me… These 10 sessions with Rob is by far the best move I have made, I’m learning to now self hypnotise, calm myself and my mind With no extra stagnant energy and baggage continually weighing me down. The feeling as free as a bird comes to my mind This is how my mind can fly now, with Rob’s guidance

Jo Catherine

For many years I’ve struggled to get back to sleep if I wake in the early hours, and with waking up too early. I’ve now completed the better sleep programme and it’s certainly made a positive difference. I now have some great tools to use to help me back to sleep. So far, I’m sleeping longer and feeling better for it. I’m hopeful this improvement will continue into the future.

Bob Weston

I would like to thank you for your sessions as they have helped me to a tremendous extent. It feels pretty good.
Surely I will reach out to you , If I feel I going in a wrong direction,again. 🙂

Again thank you for your time and support over the last few months.


My experience going through Rob’s 10 session negativity clearing program was pleasant and productive. I noticed my thoughts and behaviours unconsciously changing from old habits to new desirable traits within familiar situations. I also noticed

– Improved dexterity
– Improved hands-eye coordinations.
– Improved problem solving
– Improved creativity
– Improved self image and self esteem

I enjoyed the various visualisations and imageries suggested throughout the sessions. Overall I am happy with the results and would recommend to anyone considering hypnosis.


I am a new mum and Rob helped me with my anxiety and sleep issues. I felt better overall after our sessions and would absolutely recommend hypnosis from Mind Transforms.


I am delighted to have lost 18lb in the six weeks since our first consultation. The four sessions, complete with the virtual gastric band CDs, has given me the belief that I will continue to loose weight over the next few months to reach my goals of not being overweight and getting fit to enjoy my hobbies in the coming years.

AB (Kinross)

Before I progressed through the Virtual Gastric Band program with Rob , I was the biggest I’ve ever been. I was unhappy and not confident at all within myself.

At my first session with Rob , i was made to feel very comfortable and enjoyed the session . Fast forward 4 months later ( 2 months after finishing the program ) and i have dropped 7kg . The process felt easy and natural and was not a struggle like previous programs i have tried .

Id like to thank Rob for helping me overcome this issue that had been impacting my life for the last 12 yrs . I would highly recommend Rob’s service for anyone ready to loss weight.

Graham 38

I’ve always been a bit on the larger side, and I’ve tried many calorie-controlled diets over the years however I always struggled . After a frightening doctor’s appointment it was made in no uncertain terms that i had to loss weight or risk getting diabetes or worse. .

A friend of a relative suggested Rob as they had been through the program and lost 8kg

I signed up for the program and it ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I’m now 12kg lighter than I was when I first met Rob 5 months earlier and I feel absolutely amazing . friend and family are noticing my weight loss and complementing me on it .

If you’re wanting to lose weight, I’d strongly recommend giving this ago. You won’t regret it!!

Michelle 42

I have been very happy after doing the program with you and I definitely feel better.
It helped me to get rid of certain negative patterns I had been fighting against for a long time and I do feel more centred and overall happy, calm, balanced.
Thank you very much for your help and for your time.
Thank you for helping me out and for being part of my amazing journey.


My 15 year old son had reached a high level of success in his tennis game however during certain big tournament matches, he would choke when it was time for him to really perform.

I was referred to Rob through a friend and after my son finished Rob’s program, he is now far more confident during big matches and his ranking has increased over the last 4 months after finishing the program.

If you are struggling with you tennis game, id recommend you contact Rob


After playing golf at a Professional level for almost 8 years, one day out of the blue I developed a case of the yips while chipping. ..Not only did it destroy my golf game for 2 years, it also effected my self esteem in everyday life.

After trying psychologists with no success, I found Rob ..his program changed everything and now I have overcome the yips on the course and my handicap is the best it has been during my career.

I highly recommend Rob if you are struggling on the course or just want to improve your golf game in general.


I took up competition (Masters) squash late in life and had the frustrating experience of enjoying social squash but choking at competition level.

Anxiety affected my performance and even when I was ahead in a match it would become a big hurdle to close out a match, I lacked confidence and self-belief even when I had better skills than my opponent.

I knew mental strength was an important factor in match preparation but it took a big step to acknowledge this and sign up for mind coaching. At first, I was sceptical about the process, but Rob soon put me at ease. He helped me clear out ingrained negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. He helped me build confidence, self-belief and focus that I have applied to practice sessions and match play, with very positive results.

Through a carefully crafted programme, Rob empathetically helped me open up on my mental game, he built a positive perspective and has given me a range of mental techniques and tools to build my confidence, hype me up, visualise the game and to stay in front or come from behind, at any stage of the game. He has also taught me the importance of post-match analysis and building on the positives and dealing with the negatives.

As a result of Rob’s work, I have been able to manage my anxiety more effectively and perform well under pressure. I thoroughly recommend Rob to anyone looking to improve their mental edge and performance, whatever their sport or endeavour.

Member, Remuera Rackets Club

I stumbled across Mindtransforms by chance and it has been an absolutely life changing experience. After years of struggling with mental health issues and health problems i had lost confidence in my self. Rob has given me total confidence back and allowed me to move forward. Rob is great guy very genuine and helpful. The 12 session course was awesome i highly recommend it to anybody wanting to try hypnosis.


I can’t recommend hypnosis enough, I’ve spent a significant component of my life carry stuff that traditional medicines have never been able to address; Robs style made the transition easy, enjoyable and one I looked forward to each week.

Life has a new clarity to it, it is one of the many benefits you can discover working with Rob.


Working with Rob has been an extraordinary adventure that I would recommend to everyone. Perhaps you have been experiencing confidence issues or wanting more enjoyment and less stress from your working life?

Like all growth activities there is commitment required, however as the weeks go by and changes become obvious (and very welcome!) the sessions become something to look forward to. The goals I set with Rob at the outset of working together have been achieved and even though we have completed our work together I feel there has been more positive change since. Thanks Rob, I will always be grateful for your kind and effective support.


Dear Robert,

Members I talked with all said that the background information you gave about what hypnosis is and how it can assist people in the pursuit of a positive and happy life, was very enlightening. You showed us the power of our mind and how it can be influenced when we are willing to do so, focusing on twenty-first century techniques.
Thank you.

Val Savidan
Speaker Organiser, AERC

Dear Robert,
It was a pleasure to have you speak to our rotary club. You swept aside the misconceptions around hypnosis. I know the members would have all gained an insight into just how hypnosis can assist individuals with everyday issues.
Your talk was easy to follow and very informative.
Thank you again for making the time to come and speak to us.

Peter Bailey
On behalf of, The Half Moon Bay Rotary Club

I have attended Rob’s hypnosis seminar and also been hypnotised a few times by him. Rob has very deep understanding and practical skill about hypnosis. I always learn some valuable stuff from him any time when I talk to Rob.

Haiming Jiang

We offer a range of unique services to help transform the way you think and to improve your life